Thursday, September 25, 2008


The First and Second Continental Congresses were shaped by disputes between moderates, radicals, and conservatives. The disputes were about how they should handle the Intolerable Acts. The Intolerable acts were the acts that the British government set to show America that they are still under British control. The moderates believed that the relationship between Britain and the colonies could be fixed. The conservatives believed that the colonies should separate themselves from Britain but not as fast as the radicals wanted. The radicals believed that the colonies should separate themselves from Britain if they don't accept their demands. The radicals had problems with the taxiation without representation, intolerable act, and the war. These events lead to the radicals belief of that it was to late for them to fix their relationship, and declare independence from Parliment. The radicals were the most persuasive and effective in achieving goals.

The moderates were the least persuasive and effective of the three groups. The moderates wanted to forget everything that Britain did to them. They were coward in my book, they just wanted to stay with the Britain because they were scared. They were scared of being separated from Britain. Even though most of the American were moderates. The moderates were extremely ineffective because their one and only goal wasn't achieved by them. They couldn't even persuade Britain and the colonies to return to the relationship that they had before the French and Indian War.

The conservatives were the second most persuasive and effective of the three groups. The conservatives wanted a mild rebuke from British. They wanted to have more freedom then they already had, but not to be totally free. The conservatives came up with a plan which had a council oversee what Britain did to the colonies. The plan failed horribly, even though the conservatives were more persuasive and effective then the moderates. Their goals wasn't achieve either.

The radicals were the most persuasive and effective of the three groups. The radicals wanted Britain to agree to their demands or declare independence. The radicals delegates helped Thomas Jefferson with A Summary View of the Rights of British America. This pamphlet contained ideas for the response to the Intolerable Acts. The delegates adopted the Declaration of Rights and the Resolves. These document cancelled out the Intolerable Acts, and they also had a boycott of British imports. The radicals eventually achieve their goals a period of time.

In conclusion, radicals were the most persuasive and effective of the three groups. The moderates didn't achieve their one goal. They also didn't have anything going in the process of achieving their goals. The Conservatives didn't achieve their goal either, but they did have steps going towards their goals. The radicals had more steps going in the direction of achieving their goals. This is proven by later events which lead to the radicals goals being achieved. This why the radicals were the most persuasive and effective of the three groups.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


During the time of the European Colonization, colonies were established for multiple of reasons. The reason that prevails over them all was religion. Religion was an important part of the colonization of many colonies, such as; Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. These five colonies were establish for religion base motives. Religion played the biggest role in the establishment of the English Colonies in North America because it was one of several important motives for colonization, it was the backbone for many of the colonies, and it was the reason for people to relocate.

Religion played the biggest role in the establishment of the English colonies in North America because the most important motive for colonization was religion. The most known colony that was established for religion motives was Plymouth. Plymouth was established by the Separatists (Pilgrims) in 1620. The Pilgrims came to Plymouth, on the Mayflower, seeking independence from the Anglican Church. Another colony that was establish for religion reasons was Massachusetts Bay. Massachusetts Bay was established by John Winthrop in 1630. Massachusetts Bay started off as a economical venture, and soon later became a theocracy colony.

Another reason why religion played the biggest role in the establishment of the English colonies in North America was because it was the backbone for many of the colonies. The Pilgrims made a document called the Mayflower Compact which was the guidelines for Plymouth. The Mayflower was establish with the work of William Bradford, whom were the governor of Plymouth. Pennsylvania was another colony were religion was the backbone of the colony. It was establish in 1702 by William Penn. Pennsylvania was a sanctuary for the Quakers when William Penn was provided a grant to establish a settlement. Many refuges went to Pennsylvania to make permanent settlement.

The final reason why religion played the biggest role in the establishment of the English colonies was because many of people relocated for religion reasons. The Pilgrims relocated to Plymouth for freedom of religion. Rhode Island was another colony that was establish for religion motives. Rhode Island was founded by Roger William,whom were banish from Massachusetts Bay for speaking against the theocracy way of the colony. So, Rhode Island became a place known for exiles. Rhode Island was one of the first colonies that had religion freedom. Another colony that followed the way of Rhode Island was Maryland. Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore, it was founded as a refugee for Catholics. In 1649, because of the threats to the Catholics, Maryland guarantee freedom of religion according to the Maryland Toleration.

In conclusion, religion played the biggest role in the establishment of the English colonies in North America. Massachusetts Bay started out to be for money and quickly switch to a religion base colony. Rhode Island was for exiles who wanted religion freedom. Plymouth was a colony which was the way for the Separatists to obtain religion freedom from the Anglican Church. Maryland was establish as a refugee for the Catholics. Pennsylvania was the the sanctuary for the Quakers. This is the reasons why religion played the biggest role in the establishment of the English colonies in North America.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Sometimes when I am alone, I think about my family members that past. From time to time my family and I joke about what they used to do and say. Even now I still can remember the times when we were laughing, joking, and even crying. The moments that stands out to me is the fun times we had for example when my grandfather and I went to get some burritos from this establishment called Burrito King. I also rember the times when I used to seat on my grandmother's bed and eat vanilla wafers. Even when I be playing games with my friends, my mind tends to wonder and think about them. Esspecially now since I am getting older and getting ready to leave the "nest." This is just my memiors to them, Rest In Peace Grandfather and Grandmother!

Contrast of the English colonies in the new world.

The English Conlies in the new world were different from one another in a variety of ways. They had different morals, and different beliefs. Many of the colonies rose out of diversity and was founded by many extraordinary people. Each conlony was started it up for many of reansons, but they all came together. The thirthteen colinies were different in terms of government, population, and origin.

The English colonies were different in terms of their origin. Origin means the reason why each colony was started. The motives for the origins of the colonies varies from one anther; some were starting up for economics, religion, and a penal colony. In Connecticutthe reason for them moving there was because of the fur trading business. It was like there in many places such as Virginia who was popular for all the tobacco that was grown there. Georgia started out as a penal colony; another country that was for exile was Rhode Island. Maryland is colony that was started for muliple of reasons, such as religion and econmic.

The English colonies were different in terms of their populatoin. Most of the people moved to places next to water routes. Since it was more efficent to live next to water routes most of the people live in Massachusetts and the colonies in the mid-Altanic. These place had the highest population. By this population density alot of the people whom where trading goods lived next to rivers and lakes. This is also a factor for the farmers, they lived next to a source of water for teir crops. The south seemed to have the lowest population.

The English colonies were diffferent in terms of their governments. Rhode Island was seperate from the church , so alot of exiles whom were exiled from their own colohny moved there. Massachusetts was a colony that was run by the church. Their politics and religion was intwinned with each other. Alot of the colonies had the same political ways as Maryland and also Carolina.

In conclusion, the English Colonies were different in a wide variety of ways. They were differnt by the way they ran their government. They were also different by the motives for there origin. Some were made for economic reasons such as Virginia, Massachusetts, and Maryland. The colonies were also different by their populatons. The English Colonies were different in many ways.