Friday, October 24, 2008

Federalsit for life

The creation of the constitution was a time that brought out supporters and opponents. This was a time when the US just defeated Britain in the Revolutionary War. Also the Article of Confederations was approved by all the states, but it was an inadequate solution to the problems occurring in the United States. The people who opposed the constitution was people whom were afraid of returning to a monarchy, so they don’t want a strong government. The supporters had a more logical reason for the ratification of the constitution because the Articles of Confederations was inadequate, check and balance system, and the system of republic.

The supporters had a more reasonable argument because the Articles of Confederation was an inadequate document. The constitution made a stronger country. This is by making the central government powerful, but just having a systems of checks and balances. This is a major factor that the anti-federalist is missing in their argument. The anti-federalist want all the power to reside in the states because of their fear of returning to a monarchy. They also believed that the constitution subordinated the states rights.

The supporters had a more reasonable argument because the check and balance system. The anti-federalist believed that the executive branch would have to much power. That the federal government power was diminishing and being transferred from the states. The federalist argument was more house supportive because the constitution had a strong sense of check and balances. The Executive branch was being supervised by the legislature branch, and also the judicial branch. Each of the branches had a foot in the other ones problems. All of the branches are needed to make a decision.

The supporters had a more reasonable argument because the system of republic. The anti-federalist was afraid of a strong central government, because they didn’t want to return to a monarchy. This is address in the Virginia plan and the New Jersey plan because these plans setup the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Virginia plan benefited the large states and the New Jersey plan benefited the small states. This is another example of check and balances. So, even though the states don’t have as much power as the anti-federalist want it still have every state have representation in say so of the country.

The federalist had a better argument because the Articles of Confederation was inadequate. It didn’t help the situation that the country at all. The balance and check system help keep each part of the government power limited. The system of republic was very helpful and efficient. The federalist argument was better because it benefited the country. This is why the federalist argument is better.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


The United States were in a time of change after the American Revolution. Untied States were facing many problems, the main one was the economy. Richard Lee proposed that a government should establish an accord of confederated states. Congress put together a committee to devise a plan for the government. They came up with the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation was approved by all the states in 1781. By 1787, the Articles were obiviously inefficient for the United States. The Articles of Confederation were exceptionally an inadequate form of government because the features of the government under the Articles of Confederation were insufficient, domestic affairs problems dealing with the economy, and foreign affairs problems associating with the disobeying of the Treaty of Paris.
The Articles of Confederation were exceedingly an inadequate form of government because the feature of the government under the Articles were insufficient. The Articles gave most of the power to the state, this weakened the central government. The Articles had many feature that people who were favoring strong central government would of disagreed with. The Articles didn’t allow for a national court system. So, most of the problems that occurred were settled in that state. Another problem was the states had to use their own military sources to defend themselves. This made the United States seem inferior. The Articles also didn’t allow a chief executive. This was a huge problem because there wasn’t a person to handle foreign problems. The Article also didn’t allow provision for a uniform national currency, this was a huge problem associating with the economy. Also the Congress was not allowed to impose taxes on the people. This was also a feature that is dealing with the economy.
The Articles of Confederation were remarkably an inadequate form of government because domestic affairs dealing with the economy. The economy was horrible after the war. The United States were in a state of depression. Infrastructures were neglected , this caused for the transportation system to be defective for commerce and trade. The abesence of an uniform currency cause a uncontrollable inflation. Since the Congress couldn’t impose taxes the states imposed taxes. The taxes for the states were to tackle inflation and address infrastructures needs. The banks started to allow more loans to be taking out. This was another caused of the economy problem. A lot of land was confiscated by the government to compensate for the money that they owed the banks. This was the caused of Shay’s Rebellion. Another problem that damaged the economy was that Britain placed various trade restrictions on the United States.
The Articles of Confederation were superbly an inadequate form of government because the foreign affairs problems associating with the disobeying of the Treaty of Paris. The relationship between United States and the Europeans powers quickly deteriorated after the war ended. The disobeying of the Treaty of Paris was the caused it. The European powers saw United States as a bunch of states and not a country. This caused for a lot of countries to try to exploit them, even their war time ally Spain. The absent of Chief executive was the reason for all of the foreign problems. The other saw the United States as weak and disjointed. In 1785 a war broke out between Georgia and the Creeks because they saw the United States as a liability. This view of the United States was caused by the Articles.
The Articles of Confederations were extremely an inadequate form of government. The Article took away from the unity of the country. The Articles worsen the economic situation of the United States. The features of the Articles of Confederation degenerate the government. This is why the Articles of Confederations were exceptionally an inadequate form of government.