Tuesday, November 11, 2008


In the early 19 century the United States quadrupled, since the constitution. This happens because the United States foreign policy has always contained expansionist tendencies. The first four presidents of the United States, all had the ideology that the nation should spread across the country. Especially since the Proclamation of 1763 which left a vast amount of territory in the western part of the country open. Nationalism played a huge role in the formulation and application of the United States foreign policy in the early nineteenth century because of the country need more resources, the Manifest Destiny which gave the United States the right to expand westward, and prevented Europeans from colonizing the western hemisphere through the Monroe Doctrine.

Nationalism played a colossal role in the formulation and application of the United States foreign policy in the early 19 century because the country needed more resources. The manufactures in the United States supported the expansion west because of the more access to the abundance of natural resources. So , the manufacturing companies believed that the expansion westward will not only help them but in all help the country to better their economical conditions. The farmers were another group that was for the expansion westward also because they believed of the country went westward that they could eventually become landowners. Investors and industrialist were also for the expansion because they believed that it could be more profitable for them. The based of the foreign policy was the expansion of the country.

Nationalism played a elephantine role in the formulation and application of the United States foreign policy in the early 19 century because of the Manifest Destiny. The Manifest Destiny stated that the United States had the GOD GIVEN RIGHT to spread its beliefs across the continent of the United States. This attitude that the Americans possess eventually lead to the Mexican America War. The Mexican American War was a war between the Untied States and Mexico. The United States were expanding westward into current day Texas. Unsatisfied the United States had to expand further to current day California through New Mexico territory. The war ended with the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo in 1848 which lead to the United States purchasing California and New Mexico from Mexico for 15 million dollars. Another problem was the Cherokee Indians, whom were driven westward, despite the ruling of Chief of Justice John Marshall. Which was that the United States did not have any control over the Cherokee Indians territory.

Nationalism played an immense role in the formulation and application of the Untied States foreign policy in the early 19 century because of Monroe Doctrine, which prevented Europeans from colonizing the western hemisphere. A major factor of the Monroe Doctrine was that European powers was to restore monarchies and governments in fallen or overthrown by Napoleon's Grand Army. This worried the United States because they believed that this might lead to the restoring of Spain and its control over South America. The Monroe Cabinet came out with this statement which became known as the Monroe Doctrine which admonish Europeans from colonizing the western hemisphere. The doctrine also stated if the Europeans stay out of the Western Hemisphere then the United States will stay out of European.

In conclusion, nationalism played a leviathan role in the formulation and application of the United States foreign policy in the early 19 century. The country needed resources was a significant reason why the United States expanded westward. Also the Manifest Destiny was important because the Americans believed that it was a justified reason for their expansion. The Monroe Doctrine which accommodated the Manifest Destiny, because without the Europeans in the Western Hemisphere it will be a lot easier to take it over. This is why nationalism played a monumental role in the formulation and application of the United States foreign policy in the early 19 century.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, Why are you making me laugh with the beginning of all your supporting paragraphs containing some word that rivals "big"? Just write about it. No need for colossal, leviathan, elephantine(never heard that one before)and immense.