Saturday, December 27, 2008

Congrats on the Success

The end of the Civil War leads to many uprisings of economic and problems throughout the states. The north won the war which leads the rebirth of the union. Many of the problems came to the surface post Civil War. Most of the problems were associating with the work force. The problems ranged from the length of the work day all the way to racial and gender problems. The trade union movement was extremely successful in the Post-Civil War Era because the many labor forces, the organization of the strikes, and the achieveiment of their economic goals such as the National Labor Force, Pullman Strike, and the rise in the gross national profit.

The trade union movement in the Post-Civil War Era was predominately successful because of the many labor forces such as the National Labor Force. The National Labor Force was a more moderate work force they fought for eight hour work days and higher wages. Another work force was the Knights of Labor they fought for racial and gender equality. The American Federation had the highet number of members; there were nearly a million members. The other labr force was the Industrial Workers of the World; they fought for increase in wages. The many of the organizations fought against the many monopolies during this period.

The trade union movement during the Post- Civil War Era was very successful because of the many strikes that they had such as the Pullman Strike. The Rail road stroke of 1877 was the first post-Civil War strike. This was the strike between the workers in Baltimore and Ohio, whom rebelled because the companies lowered their wages. It was broken up by President Hayes once he called for the United Army to break the strike up. Besides this strike there were three more strikes. The Haymarket Square Riot of 1866, which took place in Chicago, the other strike is the Homestead Strike of 1892, which took place in Pennsylvania. The final strike was the Pullman Strike of 1894. This was a strike lead by the employees of the Pullman Palace Car Company, whom rebelled because their wages was cut to keep the dividends of the company stockholders. This lead to a rebellion by the employees, they even started a boycott. This shows the organization of the trade unions.

The union movements were successful because of the achievement of their economic goals such as the increase in the gross national profit. Many of the high tariffs played a huge factor in this. Since the tax on imports was so high on imported goods, the domestic companies gross profit increase. This also caused the Gross National Profit to increase as well. This was cause because of Social Darwinism, the means that if the wealthy was being watched out by the federal government.

In conclusion, the trade union movement was extremely successful during the Post-Civil War. The trade unions were very successful in their organizing. This lead to them being the major factor in the strikes. Even though the gross national profit increases the country was still in a depression. Social Darwinism was the cause of this many problems, since the government looked out for big business many of the employees wasn’t taken care of. The trade unions fought and they won even if the government assisted the business, the companies had to compromise with their employees to survive.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


The first chapter “ The holy cause of Liberty and Independence” is about the reason that the Confederate army fought. The reasons that the Confederates was fighting because they believed that the Union was trying to take away their independence. They wanted freedom to their property and way of life, they felt that the northerners was not trying to let them do this. A lot of the southerners consider it to be another revolutionary war. They believed that the Union was being a dictator just like Britian was doing to the colonies. So, they felt that they were fighting for their right to live in peace, or for liberty and independence from their ‘dictator’. A lot of people was against the Twenty Negro Law, which said that a slave owner with twenty or more slaves caused for one white man of the family to be drafted. (pg 15 WTFF) This became a big problem for some people. The civil war soldiers wrote a variety of things in their diaries ranging from the reason the was fighting to they want to return home. A lot of the soldiers in the Confederate army died from a variety of deaths, but mostly from wounds that just killed them. Some people even felt that they just had to fight the war. They had the attitude never give up never surrender.

The second chapter “ The Government on God’s Footstool” is about the reason the Union fought. The Northerners fought for their forefathers to uphold their legacy. The Union fought for the Patriots, or their forefathers during the American Revolution. I also believed that some people fought for the equal rights of all. This is portrayed in this letter by Irish American soldier. He states that this is as much his land as it is the next man. Also a sheriff who died at Gettysburg said that he wish that the United States was really the land of the free. The north fought to contain the Union, or to keep the Union the same. Since the south succeeded they said that they were against the backbone that the country was built on. The Union soldiers fought perserve the Union.

The final chapter, “ The War Will Never End Until We End Slavery” is about how Lincoln realize that slavery is the key to the end of the war. During this period the price of the average slave rose in the south. After the Emancipation Proclamation, this shown that the heart of the civil war was slavery. This was when the North became against slavery, contrasting the south belief in slavery. During the end of the war the Confederate Generals got despaired and started to let slaves fight in the war on the side of the Confederate army. This was kind of oximoron that the slaves were fighting against the people that were trying to release them from their troubles. The Unions been allowed blacks to fight in the civil war. The war ended by General Lee surrendering to the Union. This was the end to slavery, the old south way of life.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


During the early nineteen century their were numerous of conflicts between the North and the South. The North was more liberal, and open for change. While the people in the south believed in slavery, and wasn’t willing to change. Slavery played a huge role in the conflicts between the north and the south. It was the dominate reason for the civil. Slavery played an immense reason for the Civil War because of economics, politics, and social reasons such as; the north’s manufacturing versus the south’s plantations, the Compact theory versus the Contract theory, and that some of the people believed that their race was dominate over the next.

The dominate reason for the Civil war was slavery because of economic reasons such as the north’s manufacturing against the south’s plantations. The north and the west united together, since the north had manufacturing and the west had agriculture. This made the north a dominate force in the United States economy. The south dominate force was in cotton, or known as “ King Cotton”. Since cotton was in a high demand at this time, the south total economy depended on the slaves. Without slavery the south total economy would of come to an complete stop. The total market of the south will be in digression. The south sold their cotton to the Northern states as well as France and Britain.

Slavery was the key reason for the Civil War because of politics such as the Compact and Compact theory. The south believed in the Contract Theory which believed in that the federal government makes up the Union not the people. While the Northern states believed in the Contract Theory, which is the people make up the Union not the federal government. The overall conclusion to the Compact theory is succession. The government came up with numerous of compromises to prevent succession. The Missouri Compromise which says slavery can’t pass the 36 30 lattitude line, and also made Maine a free state and Missouri a slave state. The next compromise was the Compromiose of 1850. This was the birth of the Fugitive Slave Law, also that no slave trade in Washington D.C, New Mexico and Utah will receive popular sovereignty, and finally California will enter the Union as a free state. The final compromise was the Kansas Nebraska Act. Which was the complete workings of Senator Stephen Douglas, whom did it to run a railroad from Illinois to the west. It also will give him a personal profit. This compromise divede the Nebraska territory into Nebraska and Kansas, and also gave them popular sovereignty. All of these compromises was to hault the conflict between the Southern states and the Northern States, which all deal with slavery. The more states with slavery mean that the Southern States will have control over the government, and the more free states mean that Northern States will have control over the government.

The main cause of the Civil War was slavery because of social reasons such as, that some of the people believed that their race was dominate over the next. Many people in the south believed that they were better than blacks. The southerners who didn’t have slaves didn’t agree with slavery, that was seventy-five percent of the people in the south. The Dred Scoot decision, exemplify this because the Supreme Court said that slaves aren’t people they are property. So, the fifth amendment justify the judgment of the court. This anger many abolitionists, but an abolitionist name John Brown. He lead an rebellion in Virginia against plantation owner. Slavery caused another bloody battle in Kansas after the Kansas Nebraska Act, it was called Bleeding Kansas. This was when the boarder ruffians were killing people passing through Kansas.

In conclusion slavery was an immense reason for the Civil War. Slavery was the major purpose for all the compromises that the government made, which just hide the problems not fixed it. Slavery also was the major purpose for the social mishaps and problems. The politics all depende on slavery, the north wanted to end slavery while the south wanted to perserve slavery. Slavery was just the center of all the drama that was going on during the nineteen century.