Saturday, December 6, 2008


During the early nineteen century their were numerous of conflicts between the North and the South. The North was more liberal, and open for change. While the people in the south believed in slavery, and wasn’t willing to change. Slavery played a huge role in the conflicts between the north and the south. It was the dominate reason for the civil. Slavery played an immense reason for the Civil War because of economics, politics, and social reasons such as; the north’s manufacturing versus the south’s plantations, the Compact theory versus the Contract theory, and that some of the people believed that their race was dominate over the next.

The dominate reason for the Civil war was slavery because of economic reasons such as the north’s manufacturing against the south’s plantations. The north and the west united together, since the north had manufacturing and the west had agriculture. This made the north a dominate force in the United States economy. The south dominate force was in cotton, or known as “ King Cotton”. Since cotton was in a high demand at this time, the south total economy depended on the slaves. Without slavery the south total economy would of come to an complete stop. The total market of the south will be in digression. The south sold their cotton to the Northern states as well as France and Britain.

Slavery was the key reason for the Civil War because of politics such as the Compact and Compact theory. The south believed in the Contract Theory which believed in that the federal government makes up the Union not the people. While the Northern states believed in the Contract Theory, which is the people make up the Union not the federal government. The overall conclusion to the Compact theory is succession. The government came up with numerous of compromises to prevent succession. The Missouri Compromise which says slavery can’t pass the 36 30 lattitude line, and also made Maine a free state and Missouri a slave state. The next compromise was the Compromiose of 1850. This was the birth of the Fugitive Slave Law, also that no slave trade in Washington D.C, New Mexico and Utah will receive popular sovereignty, and finally California will enter the Union as a free state. The final compromise was the Kansas Nebraska Act. Which was the complete workings of Senator Stephen Douglas, whom did it to run a railroad from Illinois to the west. It also will give him a personal profit. This compromise divede the Nebraska territory into Nebraska and Kansas, and also gave them popular sovereignty. All of these compromises was to hault the conflict between the Southern states and the Northern States, which all deal with slavery. The more states with slavery mean that the Southern States will have control over the government, and the more free states mean that Northern States will have control over the government.

The main cause of the Civil War was slavery because of social reasons such as, that some of the people believed that their race was dominate over the next. Many people in the south believed that they were better than blacks. The southerners who didn’t have slaves didn’t agree with slavery, that was seventy-five percent of the people in the south. The Dred Scoot decision, exemplify this because the Supreme Court said that slaves aren’t people they are property. So, the fifth amendment justify the judgment of the court. This anger many abolitionists, but an abolitionist name John Brown. He lead an rebellion in Virginia against plantation owner. Slavery caused another bloody battle in Kansas after the Kansas Nebraska Act, it was called Bleeding Kansas. This was when the boarder ruffians were killing people passing through Kansas.

In conclusion slavery was an immense reason for the Civil War. Slavery was the major purpose for all the compromises that the government made, which just hide the problems not fixed it. Slavery also was the major purpose for the social mishaps and problems. The politics all depende on slavery, the north wanted to end slavery while the south wanted to perserve slavery. Slavery was just the center of all the drama that was going on during the nineteen century.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great opening paragraph!!!! The South believed in the Compact Theory not the other way around. Your third paragraph is confusing and I don't know if YOU know what you're talking about. Other than that-good essay.
