Saturday, December 27, 2008

Congrats on the Success

The end of the Civil War leads to many uprisings of economic and problems throughout the states. The north won the war which leads the rebirth of the union. Many of the problems came to the surface post Civil War. Most of the problems were associating with the work force. The problems ranged from the length of the work day all the way to racial and gender problems. The trade union movement was extremely successful in the Post-Civil War Era because the many labor forces, the organization of the strikes, and the achieveiment of their economic goals such as the National Labor Force, Pullman Strike, and the rise in the gross national profit.

The trade union movement in the Post-Civil War Era was predominately successful because of the many labor forces such as the National Labor Force. The National Labor Force was a more moderate work force they fought for eight hour work days and higher wages. Another work force was the Knights of Labor they fought for racial and gender equality. The American Federation had the highet number of members; there were nearly a million members. The other labr force was the Industrial Workers of the World; they fought for increase in wages. The many of the organizations fought against the many monopolies during this period.

The trade union movement during the Post- Civil War Era was very successful because of the many strikes that they had such as the Pullman Strike. The Rail road stroke of 1877 was the first post-Civil War strike. This was the strike between the workers in Baltimore and Ohio, whom rebelled because the companies lowered their wages. It was broken up by President Hayes once he called for the United Army to break the strike up. Besides this strike there were three more strikes. The Haymarket Square Riot of 1866, which took place in Chicago, the other strike is the Homestead Strike of 1892, which took place in Pennsylvania. The final strike was the Pullman Strike of 1894. This was a strike lead by the employees of the Pullman Palace Car Company, whom rebelled because their wages was cut to keep the dividends of the company stockholders. This lead to a rebellion by the employees, they even started a boycott. This shows the organization of the trade unions.

The union movements were successful because of the achievement of their economic goals such as the increase in the gross national profit. Many of the high tariffs played a huge factor in this. Since the tax on imports was so high on imported goods, the domestic companies gross profit increase. This also caused the Gross National Profit to increase as well. This was cause because of Social Darwinism, the means that if the wealthy was being watched out by the federal government.

In conclusion, the trade union movement was extremely successful during the Post-Civil War. The trade unions were very successful in their organizing. This lead to them being the major factor in the strikes. Even though the gross national profit increases the country was still in a depression. Social Darwinism was the cause of this many problems, since the government looked out for big business many of the employees wasn’t taken care of. The trade unions fought and they won even if the government assisted the business, the companies had to compromise with their employees to survive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't tell that you used other sources but it was a pretty good job.