Saturday, December 27, 2008

Congrats on the Success

The end of the Civil War leads to many uprisings of economic and problems throughout the states. The north won the war which leads the rebirth of the union. Many of the problems came to the surface post Civil War. Most of the problems were associating with the work force. The problems ranged from the length of the work day all the way to racial and gender problems. The trade union movement was extremely successful in the Post-Civil War Era because the many labor forces, the organization of the strikes, and the achieveiment of their economic goals such as the National Labor Force, Pullman Strike, and the rise in the gross national profit.

The trade union movement in the Post-Civil War Era was predominately successful because of the many labor forces such as the National Labor Force. The National Labor Force was a more moderate work force they fought for eight hour work days and higher wages. Another work force was the Knights of Labor they fought for racial and gender equality. The American Federation had the highet number of members; there were nearly a million members. The other labr force was the Industrial Workers of the World; they fought for increase in wages. The many of the organizations fought against the many monopolies during this period.

The trade union movement during the Post- Civil War Era was very successful because of the many strikes that they had such as the Pullman Strike. The Rail road stroke of 1877 was the first post-Civil War strike. This was the strike between the workers in Baltimore and Ohio, whom rebelled because the companies lowered their wages. It was broken up by President Hayes once he called for the United Army to break the strike up. Besides this strike there were three more strikes. The Haymarket Square Riot of 1866, which took place in Chicago, the other strike is the Homestead Strike of 1892, which took place in Pennsylvania. The final strike was the Pullman Strike of 1894. This was a strike lead by the employees of the Pullman Palace Car Company, whom rebelled because their wages was cut to keep the dividends of the company stockholders. This lead to a rebellion by the employees, they even started a boycott. This shows the organization of the trade unions.

The union movements were successful because of the achievement of their economic goals such as the increase in the gross national profit. Many of the high tariffs played a huge factor in this. Since the tax on imports was so high on imported goods, the domestic companies gross profit increase. This also caused the Gross National Profit to increase as well. This was cause because of Social Darwinism, the means that if the wealthy was being watched out by the federal government.

In conclusion, the trade union movement was extremely successful during the Post-Civil War. The trade unions were very successful in their organizing. This lead to them being the major factor in the strikes. Even though the gross national profit increases the country was still in a depression. Social Darwinism was the cause of this many problems, since the government looked out for big business many of the employees wasn’t taken care of. The trade unions fought and they won even if the government assisted the business, the companies had to compromise with their employees to survive.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


The first chapter “ The holy cause of Liberty and Independence” is about the reason that the Confederate army fought. The reasons that the Confederates was fighting because they believed that the Union was trying to take away their independence. They wanted freedom to their property and way of life, they felt that the northerners was not trying to let them do this. A lot of the southerners consider it to be another revolutionary war. They believed that the Union was being a dictator just like Britian was doing to the colonies. So, they felt that they were fighting for their right to live in peace, or for liberty and independence from their ‘dictator’. A lot of people was against the Twenty Negro Law, which said that a slave owner with twenty or more slaves caused for one white man of the family to be drafted. (pg 15 WTFF) This became a big problem for some people. The civil war soldiers wrote a variety of things in their diaries ranging from the reason the was fighting to they want to return home. A lot of the soldiers in the Confederate army died from a variety of deaths, but mostly from wounds that just killed them. Some people even felt that they just had to fight the war. They had the attitude never give up never surrender.

The second chapter “ The Government on God’s Footstool” is about the reason the Union fought. The Northerners fought for their forefathers to uphold their legacy. The Union fought for the Patriots, or their forefathers during the American Revolution. I also believed that some people fought for the equal rights of all. This is portrayed in this letter by Irish American soldier. He states that this is as much his land as it is the next man. Also a sheriff who died at Gettysburg said that he wish that the United States was really the land of the free. The north fought to contain the Union, or to keep the Union the same. Since the south succeeded they said that they were against the backbone that the country was built on. The Union soldiers fought perserve the Union.

The final chapter, “ The War Will Never End Until We End Slavery” is about how Lincoln realize that slavery is the key to the end of the war. During this period the price of the average slave rose in the south. After the Emancipation Proclamation, this shown that the heart of the civil war was slavery. This was when the North became against slavery, contrasting the south belief in slavery. During the end of the war the Confederate Generals got despaired and started to let slaves fight in the war on the side of the Confederate army. This was kind of oximoron that the slaves were fighting against the people that were trying to release them from their troubles. The Unions been allowed blacks to fight in the civil war. The war ended by General Lee surrendering to the Union. This was the end to slavery, the old south way of life.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


During the early nineteen century their were numerous of conflicts between the North and the South. The North was more liberal, and open for change. While the people in the south believed in slavery, and wasn’t willing to change. Slavery played a huge role in the conflicts between the north and the south. It was the dominate reason for the civil. Slavery played an immense reason for the Civil War because of economics, politics, and social reasons such as; the north’s manufacturing versus the south’s plantations, the Compact theory versus the Contract theory, and that some of the people believed that their race was dominate over the next.

The dominate reason for the Civil war was slavery because of economic reasons such as the north’s manufacturing against the south’s plantations. The north and the west united together, since the north had manufacturing and the west had agriculture. This made the north a dominate force in the United States economy. The south dominate force was in cotton, or known as “ King Cotton”. Since cotton was in a high demand at this time, the south total economy depended on the slaves. Without slavery the south total economy would of come to an complete stop. The total market of the south will be in digression. The south sold their cotton to the Northern states as well as France and Britain.

Slavery was the key reason for the Civil War because of politics such as the Compact and Compact theory. The south believed in the Contract Theory which believed in that the federal government makes up the Union not the people. While the Northern states believed in the Contract Theory, which is the people make up the Union not the federal government. The overall conclusion to the Compact theory is succession. The government came up with numerous of compromises to prevent succession. The Missouri Compromise which says slavery can’t pass the 36 30 lattitude line, and also made Maine a free state and Missouri a slave state. The next compromise was the Compromiose of 1850. This was the birth of the Fugitive Slave Law, also that no slave trade in Washington D.C, New Mexico and Utah will receive popular sovereignty, and finally California will enter the Union as a free state. The final compromise was the Kansas Nebraska Act. Which was the complete workings of Senator Stephen Douglas, whom did it to run a railroad from Illinois to the west. It also will give him a personal profit. This compromise divede the Nebraska territory into Nebraska and Kansas, and also gave them popular sovereignty. All of these compromises was to hault the conflict between the Southern states and the Northern States, which all deal with slavery. The more states with slavery mean that the Southern States will have control over the government, and the more free states mean that Northern States will have control over the government.

The main cause of the Civil War was slavery because of social reasons such as, that some of the people believed that their race was dominate over the next. Many people in the south believed that they were better than blacks. The southerners who didn’t have slaves didn’t agree with slavery, that was seventy-five percent of the people in the south. The Dred Scoot decision, exemplify this because the Supreme Court said that slaves aren’t people they are property. So, the fifth amendment justify the judgment of the court. This anger many abolitionists, but an abolitionist name John Brown. He lead an rebellion in Virginia against plantation owner. Slavery caused another bloody battle in Kansas after the Kansas Nebraska Act, it was called Bleeding Kansas. This was when the boarder ruffians were killing people passing through Kansas.

In conclusion slavery was an immense reason for the Civil War. Slavery was the major purpose for all the compromises that the government made, which just hide the problems not fixed it. Slavery also was the major purpose for the social mishaps and problems. The politics all depende on slavery, the north wanted to end slavery while the south wanted to perserve slavery. Slavery was just the center of all the drama that was going on during the nineteen century.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


The Age of reform was a time of change. Soon as the century started it was a religious revival, a lot of people started to believe in individualism. As a result the Second Great Awakening occurred, this was a time that the churches was motivating people to come to church. Especially since the sudden decline in the attendance at church. Women normally were the center of the revival of the church, but in the south this was not possible because of the no tolerance attitude that the Southern men contain. Charles Finney was another leader in this the revival of the church preached that through hard work and good deeds, people could find salvation. This lead to the many reform movements during the Age of Reform. The grassroots movements in the Age of Reform was reasonably successful in achieving their goals because women's rights through the Seneca Fall Convention, abolition through the actions of William Lloyd Garrison, public education through the McGuffey's Electric Readers, and prison reform through the efforts of Dorthea Dix.

The grassroots movements was reasonably successful in achieving their goals because of the women's right movement through the Seneca Fall Convention. Women's right during this period was limited, they were a step above a slave. Women's right was increased when Republic Motherhood was introduced. But the women's right still were limited, so the women's right advocates met for the Seneca Falls Convention. This is where women like Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Mott met to discuss the rights of the women in America. The women at the convention came up with a list called the Declaration of Rights Sentiments, which later included obtaining the right for women to own property. This document stated that all men and women are created equal and they should have the same rights. As a result of this Republic Motherhood was eventually replaced with Cult of Domesticity. Which was similar to Republic Motherhood, but was now more respected by the respected by the men. Women still was unable to vote despite the Declaration of Rights Sentiments. This period was called the antebellum period.

The grassroots movements was reasonably successful in achieving their goals because of abolitionist such as William Lloyd Garrison. There were many abolitionist during the Age of Reform. William Garrison believed in the immediate emancipation of slavery, he wrote about this in the Liberator. He was also head of the American Colonization Society, which was the first organization to help out with the Abolition Movement. The southern was furious at the action of the abolitionists, they felt that the north was taking away their economy. The people in the south hated the abolitionist so much that they attacked Garrison, and killed an abolitionist name Elijah Lovely in Illinois. Also they rebellion of Nat Turner, slave that lead a rebellion in Virginia, lead the southerners to detest Garrison and the other abolitionists. The southern came up with a list of five reasons why the slavery is right, all which had nothing to do with the immoral reasons for it being wrong.

The grassroots movements was reasonably successful in achieving their goals because of public education through the McGuffey's Electric Reader. The McGuffey's Electric Reader was the first book that taught kids reading, writing, and arithmetic. It was the past replica of the present day textbook. Another big player in public education is Horace Mann. He wrote a document called the Common School Journal and the Annual Report. In his document the Common School Journal, Mann pointed out the problems that he had with the public school system. Especially the factor that schools shouldn't remain ignorant and free, he believed in a popular education. Horace Mann also believed that the schools should be diverse. The public school system that Horace Mann set up in Massachusetts became the base of all public school systems in America.

The grassroots movement was reasonably successful in achieving their goals because of prison reform through the efforts of Dorthea Dix. Physical abuse and neglect was the way that they contain control in prisons as well as mental institutes. Dorthea Dix was against the inhuman treatment of the insane. She lead to the humane measures through the discipline and the moral improvements of the inmates. Dorthea Dix encouraged the state governments to provide hospital. She help build the first flock of American mental institutes.

The grassroots movement was reasonably successful in achieving their goals. This is through the action of the many reformers during the Age of Reform. Women's Rights was not completely achieved but they improved a little even though they were still treated like second-class citizens. Abolition was not also completely achieved, William Garrison goal was to emancipate slavery. After the southern was not complying this lead to the creation of the Underground Railroad. The public education reformers were successful, through the actions of Horace Mann and also the McGuffey's Electric Reader. The prison reformers were also successful through the action of Dorthea Dix, whom set up the first generation of American mental asylum.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Before the war even started the colonist rebelled against the parliament. They rebelled against the Intolerable Acts, Stamp Act, the Sugar Act, and many more. The colonist united multiple times for a common goal which was to expel parliament. This unity was shown in the Stamp Act Congress and also the Albany Congress. The colonist developed a good sense of their identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution through Albany Congress, Stamp Act Congress, First Continental Congress, and the Second Continental Congress.

The colonist developed a strong sense of their identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution through the Albany Congress. The main character of the Albany Congress was Benjamin Franklin. The Albany Congress was created to improve the relationship between the colonist and the Iroquois Indians. This was exemplify in Doc A, the image of the serpent with the many different colonies named on the snake body. This is shows that the colonies need to unite to win the war. The Iroquois Indians would have been a great ally to the colonist if the Albany Congress actually succeeded in building a better relationship with them.

The colonist developed a strong sense of their identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution through the Stamp Act Congress. The Stamp Act Congress was against the stamp act, the stamp act was part of the Grenvel Tax Program. The Stamp Act Congress was also fighting against the Grenvel Tax Program because the was against taxation without representation. They believed that if the were being taxed that their opinion should be represented in Parliament. This is shown in Doc B, this shows the feeling the colonist had against being taxed without the proper representation. The Stamp Act Congress also had boycotts, they had the non-importation. This was that no importation of the foreign supplies. They also had the non-consumption boycott. These boycotts also shows the unity of the colonist. They also had some naysayers, such as the person in Doc D, but their influence was little to none. The majority belied that the time for change was near.

The colonist developed a strong sense of their identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution through the First Continental Congress. The First Continental Congress was establish to decide the method they were going to use to respond to the abuse that Britain was applying towards the colonist. This was shown in the Intolerable Acts, which taxed the colonist for numerous of things. This is shown in Doc G, the unity that the colonist had to be self efficient to help themselves without the need of the Parliament.

The colonist developed a strong sense of their identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution through the Second Continental Congress. The Second Continental was establish because the colonist was feed up with the abuse that Britain was putting on them. So, the colonist came up with this document called the Olive Branch Petition. The parliament denied the petition, so this is when John Locke wrote this document called Common Sense. Which stated that the colonist should just separate from the parliament if being treated like they are. The parliament also approve the Prohibitory Act. This was the the mania that pushed the colonist to declare for independences. This is shown in Doc E. The colonist united to expel Britain.

In conclusion, the colonist developed a strong sense of their identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution. This was accomplished through the Albany Congress, which was one of the earliest examples of the colonist uniting for a common goal. The Stamp Act Congress was the perfect examples of unity and identity. The Continental Congresses shown this sense of identity and unity. This is why the colonist developed a strong sense of their identity and unity as American by the eve of the Revolution.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


In the early 19 century the United States quadrupled, since the constitution. This happens because the United States foreign policy has always contained expansionist tendencies. The first four presidents of the United States, all had the ideology that the nation should spread across the country. Especially since the Proclamation of 1763 which left a vast amount of territory in the western part of the country open. Nationalism played a huge role in the formulation and application of the United States foreign policy in the early nineteenth century because of the country need more resources, the Manifest Destiny which gave the United States the right to expand westward, and prevented Europeans from colonizing the western hemisphere through the Monroe Doctrine.

Nationalism played a colossal role in the formulation and application of the United States foreign policy in the early 19 century because the country needed more resources. The manufactures in the United States supported the expansion west because of the more access to the abundance of natural resources. So , the manufacturing companies believed that the expansion westward will not only help them but in all help the country to better their economical conditions. The farmers were another group that was for the expansion westward also because they believed of the country went westward that they could eventually become landowners. Investors and industrialist were also for the expansion because they believed that it could be more profitable for them. The based of the foreign policy was the expansion of the country.

Nationalism played a elephantine role in the formulation and application of the United States foreign policy in the early 19 century because of the Manifest Destiny. The Manifest Destiny stated that the United States had the GOD GIVEN RIGHT to spread its beliefs across the continent of the United States. This attitude that the Americans possess eventually lead to the Mexican America War. The Mexican American War was a war between the Untied States and Mexico. The United States were expanding westward into current day Texas. Unsatisfied the United States had to expand further to current day California through New Mexico territory. The war ended with the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo in 1848 which lead to the United States purchasing California and New Mexico from Mexico for 15 million dollars. Another problem was the Cherokee Indians, whom were driven westward, despite the ruling of Chief of Justice John Marshall. Which was that the United States did not have any control over the Cherokee Indians territory.

Nationalism played an immense role in the formulation and application of the Untied States foreign policy in the early 19 century because of Monroe Doctrine, which prevented Europeans from colonizing the western hemisphere. A major factor of the Monroe Doctrine was that European powers was to restore monarchies and governments in fallen or overthrown by Napoleon's Grand Army. This worried the United States because they believed that this might lead to the restoring of Spain and its control over South America. The Monroe Cabinet came out with this statement which became known as the Monroe Doctrine which admonish Europeans from colonizing the western hemisphere. The doctrine also stated if the Europeans stay out of the Western Hemisphere then the United States will stay out of European.

In conclusion, nationalism played a leviathan role in the formulation and application of the United States foreign policy in the early 19 century. The country needed resources was a significant reason why the United States expanded westward. Also the Manifest Destiny was important because the Americans believed that it was a justified reason for their expansion. The Monroe Doctrine which accommodated the Manifest Destiny, because without the Europeans in the Western Hemisphere it will be a lot easier to take it over. This is why nationalism played a monumental role in the formulation and application of the United States foreign policy in the early 19 century.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Federalsit for life

The creation of the constitution was a time that brought out supporters and opponents. This was a time when the US just defeated Britain in the Revolutionary War. Also the Article of Confederations was approved by all the states, but it was an inadequate solution to the problems occurring in the United States. The people who opposed the constitution was people whom were afraid of returning to a monarchy, so they don’t want a strong government. The supporters had a more logical reason for the ratification of the constitution because the Articles of Confederations was inadequate, check and balance system, and the system of republic.

The supporters had a more reasonable argument because the Articles of Confederation was an inadequate document. The constitution made a stronger country. This is by making the central government powerful, but just having a systems of checks and balances. This is a major factor that the anti-federalist is missing in their argument. The anti-federalist want all the power to reside in the states because of their fear of returning to a monarchy. They also believed that the constitution subordinated the states rights.

The supporters had a more reasonable argument because the check and balance system. The anti-federalist believed that the executive branch would have to much power. That the federal government power was diminishing and being transferred from the states. The federalist argument was more house supportive because the constitution had a strong sense of check and balances. The Executive branch was being supervised by the legislature branch, and also the judicial branch. Each of the branches had a foot in the other ones problems. All of the branches are needed to make a decision.

The supporters had a more reasonable argument because the system of republic. The anti-federalist was afraid of a strong central government, because they didn’t want to return to a monarchy. This is address in the Virginia plan and the New Jersey plan because these plans setup the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Virginia plan benefited the large states and the New Jersey plan benefited the small states. This is another example of check and balances. So, even though the states don’t have as much power as the anti-federalist want it still have every state have representation in say so of the country.

The federalist had a better argument because the Articles of Confederation was inadequate. It didn’t help the situation that the country at all. The balance and check system help keep each part of the government power limited. The system of republic was very helpful and efficient. The federalist argument was better because it benefited the country. This is why the federalist argument is better.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


The United States were in a time of change after the American Revolution. Untied States were facing many problems, the main one was the economy. Richard Lee proposed that a government should establish an accord of confederated states. Congress put together a committee to devise a plan for the government. They came up with the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation was approved by all the states in 1781. By 1787, the Articles were obiviously inefficient for the United States. The Articles of Confederation were exceptionally an inadequate form of government because the features of the government under the Articles of Confederation were insufficient, domestic affairs problems dealing with the economy, and foreign affairs problems associating with the disobeying of the Treaty of Paris.
The Articles of Confederation were exceedingly an inadequate form of government because the feature of the government under the Articles were insufficient. The Articles gave most of the power to the state, this weakened the central government. The Articles had many feature that people who were favoring strong central government would of disagreed with. The Articles didn’t allow for a national court system. So, most of the problems that occurred were settled in that state. Another problem was the states had to use their own military sources to defend themselves. This made the United States seem inferior. The Articles also didn’t allow a chief executive. This was a huge problem because there wasn’t a person to handle foreign problems. The Article also didn’t allow provision for a uniform national currency, this was a huge problem associating with the economy. Also the Congress was not allowed to impose taxes on the people. This was also a feature that is dealing with the economy.
The Articles of Confederation were remarkably an inadequate form of government because domestic affairs dealing with the economy. The economy was horrible after the war. The United States were in a state of depression. Infrastructures were neglected , this caused for the transportation system to be defective for commerce and trade. The abesence of an uniform currency cause a uncontrollable inflation. Since the Congress couldn’t impose taxes the states imposed taxes. The taxes for the states were to tackle inflation and address infrastructures needs. The banks started to allow more loans to be taking out. This was another caused of the economy problem. A lot of land was confiscated by the government to compensate for the money that they owed the banks. This was the caused of Shay’s Rebellion. Another problem that damaged the economy was that Britain placed various trade restrictions on the United States.
The Articles of Confederation were superbly an inadequate form of government because the foreign affairs problems associating with the disobeying of the Treaty of Paris. The relationship between United States and the Europeans powers quickly deteriorated after the war ended. The disobeying of the Treaty of Paris was the caused it. The European powers saw United States as a bunch of states and not a country. This caused for a lot of countries to try to exploit them, even their war time ally Spain. The absent of Chief executive was the reason for all of the foreign problems. The other saw the United States as weak and disjointed. In 1785 a war broke out between Georgia and the Creeks because they saw the United States as a liability. This view of the United States was caused by the Articles.
The Articles of Confederations were extremely an inadequate form of government. The Article took away from the unity of the country. The Articles worsen the economic situation of the United States. The features of the Articles of Confederation degenerate the government. This is why the Articles of Confederations were exceptionally an inadequate form of government.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


The First and Second Continental Congresses were shaped by disputes between moderates, radicals, and conservatives. The disputes were about how they should handle the Intolerable Acts. The Intolerable acts were the acts that the British government set to show America that they are still under British control. The moderates believed that the relationship between Britain and the colonies could be fixed. The conservatives believed that the colonies should separate themselves from Britain but not as fast as the radicals wanted. The radicals believed that the colonies should separate themselves from Britain if they don't accept their demands. The radicals had problems with the taxiation without representation, intolerable act, and the war. These events lead to the radicals belief of that it was to late for them to fix their relationship, and declare independence from Parliment. The radicals were the most persuasive and effective in achieving goals.

The moderates were the least persuasive and effective of the three groups. The moderates wanted to forget everything that Britain did to them. They were coward in my book, they just wanted to stay with the Britain because they were scared. They were scared of being separated from Britain. Even though most of the American were moderates. The moderates were extremely ineffective because their one and only goal wasn't achieved by them. They couldn't even persuade Britain and the colonies to return to the relationship that they had before the French and Indian War.

The conservatives were the second most persuasive and effective of the three groups. The conservatives wanted a mild rebuke from British. They wanted to have more freedom then they already had, but not to be totally free. The conservatives came up with a plan which had a council oversee what Britain did to the colonies. The plan failed horribly, even though the conservatives were more persuasive and effective then the moderates. Their goals wasn't achieve either.

The radicals were the most persuasive and effective of the three groups. The radicals wanted Britain to agree to their demands or declare independence. The radicals delegates helped Thomas Jefferson with A Summary View of the Rights of British America. This pamphlet contained ideas for the response to the Intolerable Acts. The delegates adopted the Declaration of Rights and the Resolves. These document cancelled out the Intolerable Acts, and they also had a boycott of British imports. The radicals eventually achieve their goals a period of time.

In conclusion, radicals were the most persuasive and effective of the three groups. The moderates didn't achieve their one goal. They also didn't have anything going in the process of achieving their goals. The Conservatives didn't achieve their goal either, but they did have steps going towards their goals. The radicals had more steps going in the direction of achieving their goals. This is proven by later events which lead to the radicals goals being achieved. This why the radicals were the most persuasive and effective of the three groups.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


During the time of the European Colonization, colonies were established for multiple of reasons. The reason that prevails over them all was religion. Religion was an important part of the colonization of many colonies, such as; Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. These five colonies were establish for religion base motives. Religion played the biggest role in the establishment of the English Colonies in North America because it was one of several important motives for colonization, it was the backbone for many of the colonies, and it was the reason for people to relocate.

Religion played the biggest role in the establishment of the English colonies in North America because the most important motive for colonization was religion. The most known colony that was established for religion motives was Plymouth. Plymouth was established by the Separatists (Pilgrims) in 1620. The Pilgrims came to Plymouth, on the Mayflower, seeking independence from the Anglican Church. Another colony that was establish for religion reasons was Massachusetts Bay. Massachusetts Bay was established by John Winthrop in 1630. Massachusetts Bay started off as a economical venture, and soon later became a theocracy colony.

Another reason why religion played the biggest role in the establishment of the English colonies in North America was because it was the backbone for many of the colonies. The Pilgrims made a document called the Mayflower Compact which was the guidelines for Plymouth. The Mayflower was establish with the work of William Bradford, whom were the governor of Plymouth. Pennsylvania was another colony were religion was the backbone of the colony. It was establish in 1702 by William Penn. Pennsylvania was a sanctuary for the Quakers when William Penn was provided a grant to establish a settlement. Many refuges went to Pennsylvania to make permanent settlement.

The final reason why religion played the biggest role in the establishment of the English colonies was because many of people relocated for religion reasons. The Pilgrims relocated to Plymouth for freedom of religion. Rhode Island was another colony that was establish for religion motives. Rhode Island was founded by Roger William,whom were banish from Massachusetts Bay for speaking against the theocracy way of the colony. So, Rhode Island became a place known for exiles. Rhode Island was one of the first colonies that had religion freedom. Another colony that followed the way of Rhode Island was Maryland. Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore, it was founded as a refugee for Catholics. In 1649, because of the threats to the Catholics, Maryland guarantee freedom of religion according to the Maryland Toleration.

In conclusion, religion played the biggest role in the establishment of the English colonies in North America. Massachusetts Bay started out to be for money and quickly switch to a religion base colony. Rhode Island was for exiles who wanted religion freedom. Plymouth was a colony which was the way for the Separatists to obtain religion freedom from the Anglican Church. Maryland was establish as a refugee for the Catholics. Pennsylvania was the the sanctuary for the Quakers. This is the reasons why religion played the biggest role in the establishment of the English colonies in North America.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Sometimes when I am alone, I think about my family members that past. From time to time my family and I joke about what they used to do and say. Even now I still can remember the times when we were laughing, joking, and even crying. The moments that stands out to me is the fun times we had for example when my grandfather and I went to get some burritos from this establishment called Burrito King. I also rember the times when I used to seat on my grandmother's bed and eat vanilla wafers. Even when I be playing games with my friends, my mind tends to wonder and think about them. Esspecially now since I am getting older and getting ready to leave the "nest." This is just my memiors to them, Rest In Peace Grandfather and Grandmother!

Contrast of the English colonies in the new world.

The English Conlies in the new world were different from one another in a variety of ways. They had different morals, and different beliefs. Many of the colonies rose out of diversity and was founded by many extraordinary people. Each conlony was started it up for many of reansons, but they all came together. The thirthteen colinies were different in terms of government, population, and origin.

The English colonies were different in terms of their origin. Origin means the reason why each colony was started. The motives for the origins of the colonies varies from one anther; some were starting up for economics, religion, and a penal colony. In Connecticutthe reason for them moving there was because of the fur trading business. It was like there in many places such as Virginia who was popular for all the tobacco that was grown there. Georgia started out as a penal colony; another country that was for exile was Rhode Island. Maryland is colony that was started for muliple of reasons, such as religion and econmic.

The English colonies were different in terms of their populatoin. Most of the people moved to places next to water routes. Since it was more efficent to live next to water routes most of the people live in Massachusetts and the colonies in the mid-Altanic. These place had the highest population. By this population density alot of the people whom where trading goods lived next to rivers and lakes. This is also a factor for the farmers, they lived next to a source of water for teir crops. The south seemed to have the lowest population.

The English colonies were diffferent in terms of their governments. Rhode Island was seperate from the church , so alot of exiles whom were exiled from their own colohny moved there. Massachusetts was a colony that was run by the church. Their politics and religion was intwinned with each other. Alot of the colonies had the same political ways as Maryland and also Carolina.

In conclusion, the English Colonies were different in a wide variety of ways. They were differnt by the way they ran their government. They were also different by the motives for there origin. Some were made for economic reasons such as Virginia, Massachusetts, and Maryland. The colonies were also different by their populatons. The English Colonies were different in many ways.